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Think this... but the size of your dishwasher. |
The cries of men and clash of arms are punctuated by a horrific croaking as the party pulls together for the common defense. Nyatar begins chanting, calling upon the righteous might of Horus and wielding his sickle-sword, as Furok skillfully slices into the ranks of outsized amphibians. The rest of the band is not quite as effective - Napoleon's arrows fly wide; Archibald's hammer cracks repeatedly against the walls and flagstones; torch-bearer Jake's screams are punctuated by a cloud of sparks as he flails wildly with the party's only light source. Of the others, only Hoko the lawyer/mage finds a measure of success, digging into the wriggling frog-flesh with his long knife.
In the end, the party catches its collective breath and surveys the field (or corridor) of battle: three giant frogs lie dead, one lies smooshed beneath Furok's shield, and a fifth lies dead at the bottom of the eighty-foot shaft that borders the stairway that winds downwards. Basking in the evidence of their own superiority, the party heads down the sloping passage towards the first landing, a quarter-revolution around the hole's perimeter.
They are met by a door that has neither key nor latch, surrounded by an ornate enameled entryway decorated with strange symbols in an unknown language. Hoko and Napoleon scribble furiously, copying down the writing. Some deft crowbar work and a little elbow-grease from Furok and Nyatar are sufficient to pry the door open and wedge it; after an initial hissing rush of stale air, a dark passageway extends before the group. With the elven burglar tapping inexpertly at the floor with the pommel of his knife and peering into corners, the party creeps down the deathly-silent corridor until they reach a "T" junction, with another strange latch-less door in front of them.
Following a brief debate, the group opts to pry open the door directly ahead of them. Inside, there are two stone chests and small empty sconces for oil-lamps; to the right lies an empty doorway, opening into a much larger chamber. Plunder fever washes over the party, and Archibald's half-hearted admonishments fall upon deaf ears. The chests are broken open to reveal a meager hoard: a scant hundred gold pieces and about double that number in silver and copper, all coins being of a strange hexagonal shape and bearing the same bizarre script from the initial doorway to this level.
From the chests, all eyes turn to the chamber beyond. Nyatar, Hoko and Napoleon lead the way into the chamber, with the rest of the group following. A cursory glance shows a number of skeletons scattered across the floor by the door, with a number of others chained to the walls. More than a dozen large stone boxes are neatly arranged across the floor of the cavernous room, with another huge box on top of a stone dais. Nyatar heads for the dais, while Hoko and Napoleon examine the skeletons.
At this point, two things occur nearly simultaneously:
- A horrid grinding noise comes from the doorway into the inner chamber as a huge stone slab come slamming down into the opening... as Jake is halfway through the doorway. His eyes bulge in horror and he makes to leap forward - but he stumbles, unsure whether to go forward or back. There is a hoarse cry, a loud crunch, followed by silence and darkness as the slab crushes both Jake and the party's only lit torch.
- The darkness within the inner chamber last but a moment before it is replaced with a cold unnatural illumination. A pallid blue glow emanates from sixteen pair of empty eye sockets as the skeletons all rise from the floor. Eleven of them begin yanking madly at their rusty chains, threatening to break free from the wall, while the five unfettered skeletons begin to advance.