Thursday, January 19, 2012

Inauguration Day

So, here's where I start getting specific. I'm going to (briefly) recap the action of the gaming sessions, as best as my feeble powers of recall will allow.

{At the time of this writing, some of my guys haven't really committed to character names. As a result, I'll have to go back and add them as I go along. For now, they are Napoleon, Hoko Goldma, Furok, and Nyatar.}

I feel very lucky, since everybody basically chose a cornerstone archetype and went with it: ranger, thief, mage, cleric. I was so afraid that I'd be dealing solely with barbarians and assassins and druids, but my fears were unfounded.

The action starts with young Nyatar, the half-orc cleric of Horus, the lawful god of vengeance and storms and war. (No, it's not the Deities & Demigods version of Horus, it's Land of Nod entity of the same moniker...) He's from a very warm climate near the equator, in the city of Ibis in the region of Uban. He is a newly-minted novice, eager to prove his worth to a skeptical heirarchy. His father, a gypsy, had dropped him off at a monastery outside the city, and he has been raised as an acolyte of Horus with every expectation that he'd fail. Not only did he refuse to fail, but he flourished under the scrutiny and is now being sent out to assist the priest of Horus that attends a diplomatic mission in the far northwest of the continent (think Juneau, Alaska, meets low medieval York).

After a sea voyage of two months, he arrives outside the whitewashed walls of the city-state of Lyonesse. Upon entering the city, he discovers the the head of his order has succumbed to a quickly-acting wasting disease. The head of the Ubani delegation must send away for a new head cleric, for which a conclave must be called; all told, it might be two months or more before Ken's new superior arrives. In the meantime, he's left to acquaint himself to the local culture as best as he can. He decides to take a spin around the city, while deciding what to do...

A young elf named Napoleon (I swear that I'm going to beat that name out of him) grows up in an elvish enclave, hidden among the Hibernian isles of the northern ocean. His father's a highly-respected physician and healer who dearly wants the young man to follow in his own footsteps; unfortunately, no matter how strong his desires, the young man simply shows no real interest in medicine. Predictably, the bored young elf falls in with a rather roguish peer who introduces him to the rather seedy side of social interaction.

After a few petty actions and relatively harmless larcenies committed among the stoic elven neighbors, Napoleon and his companion decide it's time to explore the wider world beyond their isolated enclave, but his fellow traveler leaves him behind in order to skip town early. He's finally able to book passage to Lyonesse (seeing a pattern here?); on board, he befriends an old hand named Jake who's seeking better fortunes among the burgeoning metal- gem-strikes of the far north, collectively known as The Faces.

The ship arrives outside the beautiful white-washed walls of the Jewel of the North on a clear late-spring day. He gets into line with dozens of other hopefuls, seeking to pay the fare and enter the city. Once inside, he begins making various fruitless inquiries until the siren song of a town crier reaches his ears:

"Seeking!... Adventurers of all stripes and sizes... Stout of heart and steady of hand... Seekers of fame and glory!... Come ye to the Yellow Queen and acquaint yourself with Archibald, of the Order of Pluto..."

{To be continued...}

(***Note***: credit for a great deal of this material must be given to other sites and bloggers, to say nothing of all the stuff that I've ripped off from common literature. I am chiefly indebted to the work of Matt Stater, over at Land of Nod; please check him out, and buy his stuff on

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